[Solution] Star Search – 7 November 2022

The thirty words in this puzzle can be grouped into six different star-related categories, each with five members. The categories are Generals, Star Trek characters, Basketball stars, Star Wars characters, Fictional Starfish (or starfish-like characters), and Sheriffs (who wear stars). Given the theme of the puzzle, it makes sense to connect the related names in star shapes.

Looking at these stars, it is apparent that there is a symbol at each of the five intersections that the lines of the star form. Four of these are letters, and one is a number from 1-6. The numbers can be used as an ordering for the categories. Starting with the numbers and moving clockwise around the pentagon at the center of each star gives the following strings:

  • 1GREA
  • 2TTHE
  • 3ANSW
  • 4ERIS
  • 5BPCR
  • 6UCIS

Removing the numbers and respacing the letters gives the phrase GREAT THE ANSWER IS BP CRUCIS. BP CRUCIS is a binary star system, and the answer to this puzzle.