[Solution] Sticky Notes – 10 May 2021

Looking at the answers for the previous puzzles, it is obvious that they will not quite fit into the blanks. In fact, each answer will fit if we replace its first letter with the letter on the sticky note. In each case, this gives a valid word.

She = THE

Pinning = WINNING

Cord = WORD

Hollows = FOLLOWS

Tweet = SWEET

Raking = MAKING


Gong = SONG

Note that Spongebob Squarepants has the first letter unchanged. This can be used to help in starting to place the answers; plus, from a construction standpoint, the number of words ending with “pongebob” is very limited.

In the Season Two episode of SpongeBob SquarePants, Band Geeks, there is a song entitled Sweet Victory. The word which follows SWEET to make a SpongeBob song is VICTORY, the answer to the meta.