[Solution] Venn Diagram – 03 May 2021

To solve a Venn diagram, first you must figure out what the words in each of the intersecting circles have in common, and then figure out what word fits in the intersection of both circles. The rules are as follows:

Goblin, Gobi, Goblet — begin with “Gob”

Eat, Bolt, Devour — synonyms for eat

Leaf, Rings, Root — parts of a tree

Shout, Yelp, Holler — synonyms for yell

Clap, Point, Wave — things done with hands

Button, Zipper, Laces — clothing fasteners

Chime, Ding-Dong, Beep — doorbell sounds

Rex, Woody, Hamm — Toy Story characters

Talk, Gossip, Yap — synonyms for talk

Lapin, Poisson, Chien — French words for (pet) animals (rabbit, fish, dog)

Lost, Cost, Most — end with “Ost”

Letter, Package, Mail — things shipped

Synonym for eat + Begins with “Gob” = GOBBLE

Part of a tree + Synonym for yell = BARK

Thing done with hands + Clothing fastener = SNAP

Doorbell sound + Toy Story character = BUZZ

Domesticated French animal + Synonym for talk = CHAT (French for cat)

Thing shipped + Ends with “Ost” = POST

At this point, it is a matter of repeating this process one more time to get the final answer:

Gobble, Bark, Buzz — animal sounds

Snap, Chat, Post — ways to communicate on social media

The way to communicate on social media which is also an animal sound is of course TWEET. Well done if you made it through the whole puzzle!