[Puzzle] Job Titles – 4 March 2024

The hint for the January-February metapuzzle, Metacross, is now up. Twenty-five solvers have already finished it. Why not join them? The solution to the final feeder puzzle for the meta, Camping Trip, has now been posted.

This week brings the start of a whole new puzzle set. This set starts off with the puzzle Job Titles If you fell behind in the previous set, this is the perfect time to get back into the swing of weekly solving.

There is one more week to complete the puzzles of Grant Fikes’ series Kevin’s Puzzles at Home and support the local food pantry. Give them a try if you haven’t yet.

The answer to the puzzle each week is a word or short phrase. Enter it into the box below, ignoring any punctuation. Due to a quirk of the setup, answer submissions with unorthodox spacing will take a while to appear on the leaderboard, though the solve time will be properly recorded.