[Puzzle] Break the Ice – 8 January 2024

Sidekicks, the first puzzle of the year, has been out for a full week now, and the hint is now available. The solution to the final metapuzzle of 2023 is up as well. It was a good couple of months, with more than thirty people who solved at least one puzzle in November and December, including twenty-one of you who solved the meta and eleven who scored maximum points. Well done to everybody, and thank you for supporting my passion project for another year!

The new puzzle for this week is Break the Ice. Can you separate the fact from the fiction?

I missed announcing it last week, but Grant Fikes has started up his sixth season of Kevin’s Puzzles at Home, his homage to this site. If anything, these puzzles are a bit easier than mine, and as an added bonus, he donates to a food pantry for every solve. Head on over and solve some puzzles to help the hungry!

The answer to the puzzle each week is a word or short phrase. Enter it into the box below, ignoring any punctuation. Due to a quirk of the setup, answer submissions with unorthodox spacing will take a while to appear on the leaderboard, though the solve time will be properly recorded.