[Solution] Animal Jokes – 2 October 2023

This puzzle presents solvers with eleven different animal riddles. Blanks are provided to remove ambiguity among functionally equivalent answers. The riddles and their solutions are:

Which grumpy animal hates its neighbors?A HERMIT CRAB
What do you call a pony with a sore throat?A LITTLE HORSE
What do you call a chocolate-covered sheep?A CANDY BAA
What kind of snake would you find on the front of a car?A WINDSHIELD VIPER
How did the duck pay for his chapstick?HE PUT IT ON HIS BILL
What kind of key opens a banana?A MONKEY
What do you call a cow with no legs?GROUND BEEF
What did the lion say when it met the wildebeest?PLEASED TO EAT YOU
What did the buffalo say when his boy left home?BISON
What does the cat say after telling a joke?JUST KITTEN
Why did the man throw churned cream out the window?TO SEE THE BUTTERFLY

The flavor text makes reference to “all right”. Reading the final letters of the answers to the riddles, which are all vertically aligned on the right of the page gives the solution to the question posed in the flavor text, BEARLY FUNNY.