[Solution] Pangaea – 27 February 2023

This puzzle presents solvers with six country outlines, each with a clue inside it. From top to bottom, left to right, the countries are Paraguay, Ireland, Mongolia, Spain, Somalia, and Japan. The clues refer to the countries they are in:

  • Paraguay’s Continent = South America
  • Ireland’s 2020 Olympic gold medals = 2
  • Mongolia’s number of borders = 2 (Russia, China)
  • Spain’s language = Spanish
  • Somalia’s latitude = multiple possible answers, but Equator is a named line of latitude
  • Japan’s bordered ocean(s) = Pacific

The flavor clues solvers to find what lands have in common. There is one country which shares all six of the characteristics listed above, and that is ECUADOR. This is possible to solve with as few as two of the clues, but the extras confirm that the answer is correct.