[Solution] Destination Vacation – 19 December 2022

This puzzle gives a list of nine “vacation destinations”. However, the reference to “out of this world”, as well as the fact that the described placed don’t exist on Earth, suggests that solvers should be looking for bodies in space. Identifying any of the lands should help lead to the realization that these descriptions refer not to planets, but to moons of our solar system. The full list is:

  • ENCELADUS (Very clean ice; snow geysers)
  • PHOBOS/DEIMOS (Twins; either order works; Phobos means “fear”)
  • GANYMEDE (Largest; magnetic; deep oceans)
  • IO (Mountains; hundreds of volcanoes)
  • TITAN (Atmosphere; rain)
  • CHARON (Gravitationally locked; sometimes considered to be half of a dwarf double planet)
  • EUROPA (Smoothest surface; chance for life)
  • TRITON (Frozen; retrograde orbit)

Each paragraph also has a number, ostensibly the number of nights to stay in that location. Indexing into the name of the moon by that number gives a letter. For example, in the first paragraph the third letter of ENCELADUS is C. (PHOBOS and DEIMOS sharing the same fifth and sixth letters can go in either order.) Taking the letters from all nine moons gives the answer COSMONAUT, the answer to the question “See what you’ve become?”