[Solution] Nations of the World – 21 June 2021

As the title and flavor text indicate, this puzzle relies on finding the countries which rank first in each of the listed categories, which given in alphabetical order by the name of the country.

Alphabet Length – Cambodia

Pineapple Production – Costa Rica

Coffee Consumption (per person) – Finland

Cinnamon Production – Indonesia

Saffron Production – Iran

Life Expectancy – Japan

Ice Cream Consumption (per person) – New Zealand

Languages Spoken – Papua New Guinea

Land Area – Russia

Military Spending – United States of America

Each of the countries has a different length name, which means they fit uniquely into the grid

Reading down one of the two unbroken columns gives the word POPULATION. Repeating the mechanic of the puzzle, the country which ranks first in population is CHINA, the final answer.