[Solution] Sports Radio – 05 April 2021

This puzzles gives play-by-play or post-game reports from five different sports. Scores are prominently featured, so it makes sense to calculate the scores of each game. A little sports knowledge or some search engine skills will come in handy here.

Note that the teams/competitors are in alphabetical order when arranged correctly. From here, each final score can be converted into a letter using A=1, B=2, etc. to get the phrase IT’S PINNING. The final answer for the puzzle is PINNING.

(This puzzle originally gave the less ambiguous clue phrase THE ANSWER IS PINNING, but this required finding the scores of nine sports, rather than merely five, some of which had much less interesting scoring methods. The puzzle was shortened in test-solving and ended up better than the original in pretty much every way except for the ease of the final step.)