[Solution] The Missing Piece

This metapuzzle requires the answers from the previous two months. They are GRIT, ESCAPES, BUY, DEUCE, COVERT, FIST, HOSE, and INFECTION. The metapuzzle provides eight clues, which do not define these eight words. The breakthrough comes in realizing that the clues all describe the puzzle answers with an additional letter added – the “missing piece” of the puzzle title. The clues and their corresponding answers are:

  • Change – CO[N]VERT
  • Figure out – DE[D]UCE
  • Former prisoners – ESCAP[E]ES
  • Home – HO[U]SE
  • Modulation – INF[L]ECTION
  • Original – FI[R]ST
  • Support – BU[O]Y
  • Swindle – GRI[F]T

These extra letters don’t spell anything in the order given, but that order is merely alphabetical by clue. Solvers will notice that the answers begin with the letters from B through I. Putting the answers in alphabetical order gives the following:

  • BU[O]Y
  • DE[D]UCE
  • FI[R]ST
  • GRI[F]T
  • HO[U]SE

In this order, the added letters spell out ONDERFUL. The lack of a word starting with A suggests adding a letter to the front of this to form the answer WONDERFUL, as in “You did a wonderful job in solving this puzzle!”

[Hint] The Missing Piece

The November-December metapuzzle, The Missing Piece, has been out for a week now. If you are stuck on solving it, check out the hint below, as well as the solutions to all eight feeder puzzles on the solutions page.

Once you’ve finished that, check out the first puzzle in a new set, Funny Pages.

Every answer in this puzzle is missing a letter. Don’t forget to look for a way to order your answers.

[Meta] The Missing Piece – 30 December 2024

A hint for Clue Conundrum, the puzzle from last week, is now available, as is the solution to Triple Rhyme Time from two weeks ago.

The final metapuzzle of the year is The Missing Piece. Use your answers from the past eight weeks to find the solution, then come back next week for the start of a new year of puzzles.

Please enter your answer below, leaving out all punctuation.

    [Solution] Spatial Relationships

    This metapuzzle consists of the following image, along with the answers to the feeder puzzles: MOZART SYMPHONY, YOU ARE HERE, FIFTH GEN CONSOLE, CANDY BAR, OBERON, TRIDENT, THERMOMETER, and CARNIVOROUS PLANT.

    This image suggests the planets of our solar system, moving outward. Each answer corresponds to one of the planets:

    • Mercury = THERMOMETER (Thermometers are traditionally filled with mercury.)
    • Venus = CARNIVOROUS PLANT (Venus flytrap)
    • Earth = YOU ARE HERE (Unless any aliens are solving these puzzles, in which case, welcome!)
    • Mars = CANDY BAR (Mars bar)
    • Jupiter = MOZART SYMPHONY (Mozart Symphony No. 41 is named Jupiter.)
    • Saturn = FIFTH GEN CONSOLE (the Sega Saturn)
    • Uranus = OBERON (Oberon is a moon of Uranus.)
    • Neptune = TRIDENT (The god Neptune wields a trident.)

    Indexing into each answer by the number written on the planet spells out the solution, MOONSHOT (or MOON SHOT), referring to an ambitious, groundbreaking effort, such as the 1969 moon landing.