[Puzzle] Be True to Your Elf – 25 December 2023

Merry Christmas! The solution is to Carnival Games is now up. Last week’s † Word has a hint available as well.

The final metapuzzle of 2023 is Be True to Your Elf. Use your answers from the past seven weeks to solve it, then come back in 2024 for the beginning of a new set of puzzles. Thanks to everybody who solved this year!

The answer to the puzzle each week is a word or short phrase. Enter it into the box below, ignoring any punctuation. Due to a quirk of the setup, answer submissions with unorthodox spacing will take a while to appear on the leaderboard, though the solve time will be properly recorded.

    [Puzzle] † Word – 18 December 2023

    Not That One! was posted two full weeks ago now, and the solution is now up. The hint for last week’s Carnival Games is also available.

    The final regular puzzle before the metapuzzle is † Word. There are a couple aspects of the puzzle setting which are non-standard. These are not related to the solution.

    The answer to the puzzle each week is a word or short phrase. Enter it into the box below, ignoring any punctuation. Due to a quirk of the setup, answer submissions with unorthodox spacing will take a while to appear on the leaderboard, though the solve time will be properly recorded.

      [Puzzle] Carnival Games – 11 December 2023

      The solution to Suffering Succotash, the puzzle posted two weeks ago, is now available. Not That One!, from last Monday, has a hint up as well.

      This week’s new puzzle is Carnival Games Step right up and give it a try!

      The answer to the puzzle each week is a word or short phrase. Enter it into the box below, ignoring any punctuation. Due to a quirk of the setup, answer submissions with unorthodox spacing will take a while to appear on the leaderboard, though the solve time will be properly recorded.

        [Puzzle] Not That One! – 4 December 2023

        The solution to Nursery Rhymes, the puzzle posted two weeks ago, is now available. Suffering Succotash, from last Monday, has a hint up as well.

        This week’s new puzzle is Not That One! As I get older, I sometimes forget which thing I’m trying to describe.

        The answer to the puzzle each week is a word or short phrase. Enter it into the box below, ignoring any punctuation. Due to a quirk of the setup, answer submissions with unorthodox spacing will take a while to appear on the leaderboard, though the solve time will be properly recorded.

          [Puzzle] Suffering Succotash – 27 November 2023

          The solution to Brand Recognition, the puzzle from two weeks ago, has now been posted. Nursery Rhymes, from last Monday, has a hint available as well.

          This week’s new puzzle is Suffering Succotash. Th-Th-Th-That’s All, Folks! The clue reading “Roughly” was missing a (2 wds.) note. Thanks to Grant Fikes and Tower for noticing!

          The answer to the puzzle each week is a word or short phrase. Enter it into the box below, ignoring any punctuation. Due to a quirk of the setup, answer submissions with unorthodox spacing will take a while to appear on the leaderboard, though the solve time will be properly recorded.

            [Puzzle] Nursery Rhymes – 20 November 2023

            The solution the puzzle from two weeks ago, Myth Taken, has now been posted. Brand Recognition, from last Monday, has a hint available as well.

            This week’s new puzzle is Nursery Rhymes. This one might bring you back to your younger days. ERRATA: The second-to-last letter in the second row should be an H, rather than a D. This has been corrected, though you may need to force refresh to see the update. Thanks to KeoFam for noticing!

            The answer to the puzzle each week is a word or short phrase. Enter it into the box below, ignoring any punctuation. Due to a quirk of the setup, answer submissions with unorthodox spacing will take a while to appear on the leaderboard, though the solve time will be properly recorded.

              [Puzzle] Brand Recognition – 13 November 2023

              The solution to the September-October metapuzzle, Costume Party, has now been posted. The hint for last week’s Myth Taken is available as well.

              This week’s new puzzle is Brand Recognition. I hope you’re in the mood for some snacks!

              The answer to the puzzle each week is a word or short phrase. Enter it into the box below, ignoring any punctuation. Due to a quirk of the setup, answer submissions with unorthodox spacing will take a while to appear on the leaderboard, though the solve time will be properly recorded.

                [Puzzle] Myth Taken – 6 November 2023

                The solution to the puzzle from two weeks ago, Wildfire, has now been made available, as has the hint for last week’s metapuzzle, Costume Party. It was a busy two months, with thirty-six different of you completing at least one puzzle in the last two months, including nineteen solves of the metapuzzle so far! Keep up the great work! There is one more week to add to those numbers.

                We start the twentieth puzzle set this week with the appropriately-named Myth Taken. This should be a nice warm up for the rest of the set. Enjoy!

                You also have only one more week to solve Grant Fikes’ fifth season of Kevin’s Puzzles at Home, his homage to this site. All eight puzzles plus the meta now have hints available, so there’s no reason not to go solve some more puzzles and make him donate more to the food pantry!

                The answer to the puzzle each week is a word or short phrase. Enter it into the box below. Due to a quirk of the setup, answer submissions with unorthodox spacing will take a while to appear on the leaderboard, though the solve time will be properly recorded.

                  [Meta] Costume Party – 30 October 2023

                  The hint for last week’s Wildfire may now be viewed on the hints tab. The solution to the puzzle from two weeks ago, X Marks the Spot, is also available.

                  This week we have the September-October metapuzzle, Costume Party, featuring art by Cartoons by Andie. Since this is a metapuzzle, you will need to use the answers from the previous eight puzzles to solve it. Solutions for all puzzles except for last week’s are available on the solutions tab. Come back next week for the beginning of a whole new puzzle set!

                  In the mood for more puzzles? Grant Fikes is doing his fifth season of Kevin’s Puzzles at Home, his homage to this site. If anything, these puzzles are a bit easier than mine, and as an added bonus, he donates to a food pantry for every solve. He has all eight puzzles plus the metapuzzle open at once, so head on over and solve some puzzles to help the hungry!

                  The answer to the puzzle each week is a word or short phrase. Enter it into the box below.

                    [Puzzle] Wildfire – 23 October 2023

                    The hint for last week’s X Marks the Spot may now be viewed on the hints tab. The solution to Circuit Breaker from two weeks ago is also available.

                    This week brings the puzzle Wildfire. This is the final regular puzzle of this set. Come back next week for the September-October metapuzzle!

                    In the mood for more puzzles? Grant Fikes is doing his fifth season of Kevin’s Puzzles at Home, his homage to this site. If anything, these puzzles are a bit easier than mine, and as an added bonus, he donates to a food pantry for every solve. Head on over and solve some puzzles to help the hungry!

                    The answer to the puzzle each week is a word or short phrase. Enter it into the box below.