[Puzzle] Balanced Diet – 23 September 2024

There is now a hint available for last week’s puzzle, Don’t I Know You From Somewhere? The solution to Which Way has also now been posted.

The new puzzle this week is Balanced Diet. I like to think of puzzles as food for the brain.

Once you finish that puzzle, check out Grant Fikes’ eighth season of Kevin’s Puzzles at Home, his homage to this site. His normal fare is word puzzles every Wednesday, but during Kevin’s Puzzles at Home, he posts a simple puzzle hunt puzzle each Monday, twelve hours before my puzzles. What’s more, he donates to a food pantry for every solve, so head on over and solve some puzzles to help the hungry!

The answer to the puzzle each week is a word or short phrase. Enter it into the box below, ignoring any punctuation.

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