[Hint] Pungent Puns

The puzzle Pungent Puns has been out for a week now. If you’re struggling, check out the hint below.

The metapuzzle for January-February is Ordered Series. Check it out once you’ve completed last week’s puzzle, or give it a go anyway if you’re still stuck.

The sentences have been split up into their component clues to make them easier to understand. The first one has been given as an example. Two of the clues cannot be broken up, but still lead to a two-word phrase which sounds like a single word.

First Word ClueSecond Word ClueCombined Word Clue
fellows (MEN)mystical glow (AURA)candelabra (MENORAH)
Colony memberruns off to get marrieddeer
needlefishburrowflower bed
hotelpeer groupharm
desertenchantresslunch, perhaps
oak or maplechildBetrayal
uncookedmonarchmoving back and forth
Noah’s boatassistantgaming center
Norse epicbovineConsumable
What a pen makes when writing (2 wds.)slope
garden decorationcommercialwanderer
Part of a swimming pool
(2 wds.)
What someone with a phobia might saymouthgum
campus housingsomething found in the freezeranimals

You will get a clue phrase, which clues a pun of an eight-letter word.

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