[Solution] Triple Rhyme Time

Each of the clue phrases leads to a set of three words, all of which rhyme. This puzzle is based on the Jeopardy category of the same name.

  • A gaming stream’s connection desire. -> Twitch Hitch Itch
  • An Alaskan garden statue’s froth. -> Nome Gnome Foam
  • Cry of excitement upon seeing 1/100 of a Vietnamese dong as the price of ratatouille. -> Ooh! Xu Stew
  • Spooky and exhausted digital assistant. -> Eerie Weary Siri
  • A single sister rotated. -> One Nun Spun
  • Secures the bovine strolls. -> Locks Ox Walks
  • Archaeologist Indiana has AirPods. -> Jones Owns Earphones
  • Proudly spoken pavement poem. -> Crowed Road Ode
  • An alabaster location after dark. -> White Site Night
  • A strange grass-covered garment worn by ancient Jewish priests. -> Odd Sod Ephod

Reading the first letters of these triplets in the order they are clued gives the phrase THING FOX SEWS ON SLOW JOE CROW’S NOSE. This is a reference to the rhyming book Fox in Socks, which contains the sentence “Fox sews hose on Slow Joe Crow’s nose.” The answer is HOSE.

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