I want to start with an apology for last week’s puzzle. While it is definitely solvable, it is harder – or at least more tedious – than I would prefer, especially for the first week of a puzzle set. The hint is up now, which will hopefully help anybody who got stuck on it. The solution to the November-December metapuzzle, The Missing Piece, has been posted as well. Well done to everybody who solved it, and a big thank you to all the people who solved during the last two months.
The new puzzle for this week is Evolutionary Theory. With apologies to my mother, I expect a majority of my solvers will be familiar with this subject.
I forgot to post about it last week, but Grant Fikes has started his ninth season of Kevin’s Puzzles at Home. These puzzles run to the easier side, and for every solve, he donates to a food bank. There are two puzzles up so far – go check them out!
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